My client’s rear garden was very much in need of some updating. After the addition of an extension to the back of the house it had become difficult to use safely due to the changes in levels and the remaining rubble left from the building work. She no longer enjoyed spending time in it and was keen to have it transformed into a space she could enjoy for herself and for entertaining in.
The brief included a dining area, raised beds, a water feature and places to sit to enjoy the sunshine as it moved around the garden. Another request was for the view of the bungalow at the bottom of the garden to be concealed. Rather than just put up a higher fence I designed the central curved border to sweep across the garden. It will include carefully placed trees that will obstruct the view from the house. The curved path running alongside also fulfils the client’s request to be able to wander around the garden. It also links the terrace near to the house to the raised beds and seating area at the bottom.
3d images have helped the client to visualise how the garden will look once built and planted up. This exciting urban garden design is being created this autumn (2023).

My client has asked for a colourful, vibrant selection of plants, shrubs and trees for the main curved border in the centre of this garden design.
Colour is one of the three most powerful elements of any planting design – the others are shape and texture. All combine to create a border full of interest for a happy and cheerful mood to the setting.